Apple iPhoto

Version9(as of 3/28/2024)
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Rating:3.0  |  14 Votes

Main Features

  • Organize your photos quickly and easily
  • Edit your photos with easy to use, yet powerful editing tools
  • Share your photos on Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr
  • Print your images directly from iPhoto
  • Save your photos on iCloud so they won't be lost

Software Overview

Apple iPhoto is a digital photo editor bundled with Mac OS X. It organizes, edits, and shares digital photographs. Apple discontinued iPhoto in 2015 and replaced it with Apple Photos.

iPhoto has editing capabilities that allow you to make quick and easy touch-ups to your images. You can adjust exposure, remove red eyes, touch up blemishes, and enhance your image. You can also add effects and filters, such as black-and-white, vignettes, blurred edges, and sepia tones.

Another valuable part of iPhoto is its image management and sharing. It automatically groups your photos by event but allows you to customize their organization. If you add a name to a photo, iPhoto will automatically detect the person in your other pictures and give you suggestions.


If you were a Mac user in the 2000s and early 2010s, you likely found iPhoto a convenient and helpful program for managing your photos. Additionally, if you are a Mac user now, you will likely find Apple Photos, which replaced iPhoto in 2015, to be an even more helpful photo organizer and editor.

Primary File Type

jpg icon.JPGJPEG Image

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.3FRHasselblad 3F RAW Image
.BMPBitmap Image
.CR2Canon Raw 2 Image
.DNGDigital Negative Image
.EXIFExchangeable Image Information File
.IPHOTOPROJECTiPhoto Print Project
.IPLBiPhoto Library Archive Document
.MRWMinolta Raw Image
.NEFNikon Electronic Format RAW Image
.PHOTOLIBRARYiPhoto Photo Library
.SRFSony RAW Image

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.APLIBRARYAperture Library
.ATTRiPhoto Attributes File
.IPALIASiPhoto Alias File
.IPHOTOiPhoto Library File
.IPMETAApple iPhoto Metadata File
.IPSPOTiPhoto Spot File
.JFIJPEG File Interchange Image
Updated 3/28/2024