Adobe Character Animator

Version2023(as of 2/1/2023)
PlatformsWindows, Mac
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Rating:1.7  |  61 Votes

Main Features

  • Create animations based on a user's appearance, voice, and movements
  • Start from puppet templates or make custom designs
  • Import Photoshop and Illustrator character designs
  • Edit animations with the timeline video editor
  • Learn how to use the software from included tutorials
  • Export animations to multimedia formats, including MP4 video and PNG images

Software Overview

Screenshot of Adobe Character Animator 2023
Screenshot of Adobe Character Animator 2023

Adobe Character Animator is an application included with Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) to create 2D animated characters. The software allows you to animate yourself and your movements as illustrated characters in real-time, customize characters, and import character art from Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.

Character Animator provides a Characterizer tool, which captures your likeness as a puppet using your webcam and microphone and animates the character (referred to as "puppets") based on your movements. You can choose to live-stream your character's performance or record it for other purposes, such as an animated series or cartoon in a video.

The program also enables you to create a character from one of the puppet templates included with the software or import a design from other formats, such as Adobe Photoshop (.PSD) and Adobe Illustrator (.AI). When animating a character puppet, Character Animator provides a video timeline editor where you can animate the character in a scene by moving its parts into different poses and inserting other characters, voiceovers, sound effects, music, and graphics. After you complete your animation, you can export it to various multimedia formats, including .MP4 video or as a sequence of .PNG images with a .WAV audio file.


Character Animator is an easy-to-use tool for creating animations for fun and professional purposes. It offers a simple interface similar to other Adobe programs and helpful tutorials for animating characters based on your movements, templates, or designs imported from other image editors. While Adobe Character Animator does not provide the advanced tools most professional animators are looking for, it is still a fun and convenient tool for creating animations.

Primary File Type

chproj icon.CHPROJAdobe Character Animator Project

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.CHPROJAdobe Character Animator Project
.AIAdobe Illustrator Artwork
.AIFFAudio Interchange File Format
.MAKERAdobe Character Animator Puppet Maker Template
.MP3MP3 Audio
.PNGPortable Network Graphic
.PSDAdobe Photoshop Document
.PUPPETAdobe Character Animator Puppet
Updated 2/1/2023