.VMO File Extension

Siemens Voice Memo File

Developer Siemens
2.5  |  4 Votes
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What is a VMO file?

Audio file created by the voice recorder on some Siemens mobile phones; stores the audio in a proprietary format that can be played back on the device but not by standard audio players on the desktop computer; can be converted to the .WAV format using vmo2wav.

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Programs that open VMO files


Virtools Media Object File

Developer Dassault Systemes
1.5  |  2 Votes
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Web publishing format for Virtools, a program similar to Flash and used for making dynamic 3D rich media content for webpages; may contain graphics, video, sound, and user interface actions.

More Information

VMO files are embedded into webpages and can be played with the 3DVIA Player Web browser plug-in.

Programs that open VMO files

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