.TIM File Extension
The Incredible Machine Level
Developer | Sierra |
Popularity |
3.7 | 12 Votes |
Open with | Sierra's The Incredible Machine |
What is a TIM file?
Level file for The Incredible Machine; includes objects that must be arranged into a contraption that will perform a specific task; may be included with the game or created by the user as a homemade puzzle.
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Custom levels can be loaded by placing the TIM file in the Sierra/Even more contraptions/Homemade directory. They can also be opened by selecting "File→Load..." within the program.
Programs that open TIM files
Vixen Timed Sequence File
Developer | VixenLights |
Popularity |
2.8 | 12 Votes |
Open with | Vixen |
A TIM file may also be a configuration file created by Vixen, a program used to create automated light displays. It contains timed sequence information that controls light effects synchronized with music. TIM files include the start time, assigned effects, the path to the audio file, and the time span.
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You can open a TIM file in Vixen by clicking Open Sequence... under "Sequences" in the Vixen startup window. The "Timed Sequence Editor" opens and displays the TIM file. After you make edits to the file, you can save it by selecting Sequence → Save.
You can also create a TIM file in the Vixen startup window under "Sequences" by clicking New Sequence....
Vixen is popular among DIY users looking to create lighting displays synchronized to music. It is a cheaper alternative to more expensive software packages.
Programs that open TIM files
PlayStation Texture Image Map
Developer | Sony |
Popularity |
1.7 | 3 Votes |
Open with | XnViewMP |
A TIM file may also be an image used by a Sony PlayStation (PS1) video game. TIM files commonly contain textures that are used to skin in-game objects. Many PS1 video games include TIM images.
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Most TIM files are comprised of three sections: a header, a color lookup table (CLUT), and image data. The header details basic file information and metadata, the CLUT lists colors used in the image, and the image data specifies how the image appears when loaded.
How to open a TIM file
You can open a TIM file in XnViewMP (multiplatform), ImageMagick (multiplatform), or Logipole Konvertor (Windows).
How to convert a TIM file
You can use XnViewMP to convert TIM images to the following formats: