.CAR File Extension
Car Explorer Data File
Developer | N/A |
Popularity |
3.2 | 37 Votes |
What is a CAR file?
Data file used by Car Explorer, a program designed for viewing information about different car models; saved in the eXtensible Car Description (XCD) format, a standardized specification for storing automobile data; includes information such as make and model, year, price, physical dimensions, and related images.
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By design, CAR files store information about all models for one make (or company) from a single year. Car files are often distributed as collections, or an archive that contains multiple CAR files in a compressed format.
NOTE: The Car Explorer application is no longer available.
Programs that open CAR files
CAR Archive
Developer | SAP |
Popularity |
3.0 | 19 Votes |
A CAR file may also be a compressed archive created by the CAR compression utility. It contains files used by SAP's enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Often, CAR files contain SAP executables.
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CAR is a compression utility included with versions 4.6B and below of SAP. It can be used to compress one or more files into a CAR archive, for easier delivery to end-users. Users can then decompress the archive using CAR on their system.
In version 4.6C, SAP overhauled the CAR utility and renamed it to SAPCAR. SAPCAR produces archives that use the .SAR extension. However, SAPCAR can still decompress and extract files from CAR archives.
How to open a CAR file
You can extract the files a CAR archive contains using the CAR or SAPCAR utilities (Windows, Linux).
Programs that open CAR files
Compiled Asset Catalog
Developer | Apple |
Popularity |
3.3 | 12 Votes |
A CAR file may also be a compiled asset catalog created by Apple Xcode to store assets, such as icons, images, and textures, for iOS, tvOS, watchOS, and macOS applications. App developers compile CAR files from .xcassets folders to distribute with the app bundle. Apple developed the proprietary CAR format to efficiently package assets at different resolutions for apps.
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Apple introduced the CAR format in September 2013 when it released Xcode 5 and iOS 7. When developers build an iOS, tvOS, watchOS, or macOS application in Xcode, they place the app's assets in an Assets.xcassets folder and then compile it to the CAR format to distribute with the app bundle.
Typically, you can find the CAR file packaged with an app in its Resources directory. For example, you can navigate to the CAR file packaged with iMovie in macOS by following these steps:
- Right-click the iMovie app (.APP file) in the Applications directory and and select Show Package Contents to open it as a macOS package.
- Double-click Contents, then open the Resources folder.
- Navigate to the Assets.car file.
NOTE: Apple continuously develops the CAR format, adding new features with each version.
Common CAR Filenames
Assets.car - Name of the CAR file packaged in the Resources directory of an application installation.
How to open a CAR file
CAR files are not intended to be opened. Instead, they are packaged with an app to store assets used by the app.
However, if you are looking to extract or modify an asset, such as an icon or texture, you can open a CAR file with various Mac programs, including Asset Catalog Tinkerer, ThemeEngine, iOS Asset Extractor, and acextract. For example, to open a CAR file with Asset Catalog Tinkerer, select File → Open.
NOTE: While Apple Xcode creates CAR files, it cannot open them.
How to convert a CAR file
Several applications, including Asset Catalog Tinkerer and Pragmatic Code Crunch, can extract assets from CAR files and convert them to other formats.
For example, Asset Catalog Tinkerer can convert the assets stored in a CAR file to PNG images. To convert all of the assets in a CAR file with Asset Catalog Tinkerer, select File → Export All Images. Additionally, to convert a specific asset with Asset Catalog Tinkerer, select File → Export Selected Images.
Programs that open or reference CAR files
Brew Component Application Resource
Developer | Qualcomm |
Popularity |
3.0 | 17 Votes |
A CAR file may also be a Component Application Resource used by applications developed for the Brew Mobile Platform (MP). It describes assets available to an executing application. CAR files are compiled into binary .BAR files that are loaded when an application is run.
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Application resources in the older BREW 3.x and 4.x development programs use the .BRX extension. However, BRX files have been deprecated with the release of Brew MP. You can convert BRX files to CAR files using the Brew MP SDK.
NOTE: The Brew MP SDK is a suite of programs and plug-ins. For example, the SDK includes Brew MP development plug-ins for Microsoft Visual Studio, Adobe Flash, and Eclipse.
Programs that open or reference CAR files
Gary Gadget Car File
Developer | Viva Media |
Popularity |
3.0 | 13 Votes |
File created by Gary Gadget: Building Cars, a children's game that allows users to design, build, and drive cars; contains car part numbers for the user-built saved car; includes any medals won with the car.
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NOTE: CAR files are located in the Autos folder of the game's directory. Unfortunately, the Viva Media Gary Gadget: Building Cars program is no longer available for download.