TatukGIS Viewer
Version | 4(as of 2/17/2015) |
Platform | Windows |
License | Freeware |
Category | Scientific |
Main Features
- Support for a variety of vector, grid, and image formats, such as Shape, TAB, and OpenGIS
- Export to Tiff, GeoTiff, JPEG, PDF, PNG, and PixelStore formats
- Re-order and remove layers
- Create custom labels
- Language support for English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, and Italian
Software Overview
TatukGIS Viewer is a professional GIS mapping and data editing application. The application is available for free as a stripped down version of the TatukGIS Editor.
The viewer natively supports a variety of vector, grid, and image formats, such as Shape, TAB, OpenGIS, GeoTiff, BMP, Arcinfo Float Grid, AutoCAD DWG, AutoCAD DXF, GeoJSON, and ERDAS IMAGINE Image. The program also supports most MapInfo and ArcView project formats, as well as the TatukGIS project format. Along with its extensive list of supported formats, the application provides a variety of functions, including the ability to re-order and remove layers, select by point, line, circle, or polygon, create custom labels, and create thematic maps.
TatukGIS Viewer is an impressive tool for GIS mapping and data editing, especially when considering that it's available for free. The utility supports a variety of vector, grid, image, and project formats and provides helpful functionality. TatukGIS is a great choice for GIS mapping and data editing.
Primary File Type

Supported File Types
Extension | File Type |
.TTKGP | TatukGIS Project File |
.ADF | ESRI ArcInfo Binary Grid Format |
.APR | ArcView Project File |
.BT | Binary Terrain File |
.CSV | Comma-Separated Values File |
.DEM | Digital Elevation Model |
.DLG | Digital Line Graph |
.DT0 | DTED Level 0 File |
.DWG | AutoCAD Drawing |
.DXF | Drawing Exchange Format File |
.ECW | Enhanced Compression Wavelet Image |
.FFS | FME Desktop Feature Store File |
.GDF | GUESS Graph Data Format File |
.GML | Geography Markup Language File |
.GPX | GPS Exchange File |
.JSON | JavaScript Object Notation File |
.SHP | ESRI Shapefile |
.SYM | TatukGIS Symbols File |