Liquid Technologies Liquid XML Studio

Version2014 Rev3(as of 10/27/2014)
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Rating:2.8  |  13 Votes

Main Features

  • Compare differences between XML documents
  • Open and edit very large files up to terabytes in size
  • Work visually with graphical editors for WSDL, XML, and XML schema
  • Edit project styles with a built-in CSS editor
  • Easily search through an XML document with advanced navigation

Software Overview

Liquid XML Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) used to create XML documents. It is also used to create .WSDL, .XSLT, and .HTML documents. The program is only available for Windows computers.

One of the many impressive features of Liquid XML Studio is its ability to open and work with incredibly large files as seamlessly as small files. It easily loads files over 4GB and can handle very long line lengths. The maximum theoretical file size that it can support is sixteen million terabytes. Even when working with massive files the program uses minimal amounts of memory.

Besides being able to handle large files, Liquid XML Studio also comes with many different tools to make XML development easier. If you are a visual worker, there are graphical editors for XML, XML schema, and WSDL that allow you to organize, design, and validate your projects. Another useful feature is XML Differencing that allows you to compare two XML documents to see changes like new, moved, and deleted elements.

If you are looking for a powerful XML editor that is easy to use, Liquid XML Studio is a great option for you. It is a somewhat pricey program though, and in order to access all of its features you must buy the developer version which costs even more. If you aren't quite willing to shell out a lot of money, there are many less expensive and free XML editors available that work great.

Primary File Type

lxsproj icon.LXSPROJLiquid XML Studio Project File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.LXSPROJLiquid XML Studio Project File
.DTDDocument Type Definition File
.LXSOPTLiquid XML Studio Project Options File
.WSDLWeb Services Description Language File
.XMIXML Metadata Interchange File
.XQXQuery File
.XQLXML Query Language File
.XQMXQuery Module
.XSDXML Schema Definition
.XSLXML Stylesheet
.XSLTExtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.XQUERYXQuery Source Code File
.XQYXQuery Source File
Updated 10/27/2014