Alpha Software Alpha Anywhere

Version2(as of 8/8/2014)
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Rating:3.6  |  20 Votes

Main Features

  • Create, test, deploy, and maintain mobile and web applications for the business world
  • Develop the back- and front-end of applications with genies, builders, and property sheets
  • Control code in a variety of languages, such as HTML, PHP, and SQL
  • Design the layout and add content to the user interface through convenient controls

Software Overview

Alpha Software Alpha Anywhere allows you to to create, test, deploy, and maintain business applications. The program is designed for Windows users looking to create professional applications without advanced programming language knowledge.

Alpha Anywhere specializes in the development of web and mobile applications for the business world. The program allows you to develop the back- and front-end of applications without requiring you to be a programming expert. It does this through genies, builders, and property sheets that make creating and updating code more convenient.

The IDE controls code in a variety of languages, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, Perl, and Java. You can use genies to help you program in these languages or you can directly access the code to make specific adjustments or fixes as needed. For example, when you need to update or fix an issue with your database, you can use the SQL genie or directly edit a SQL statement. On the user’s end, Alpha Anywhere provides helpful controls and property sheets that allow you to efficiently design the layout and add content to your application. You can also create your own controls for more customized development.

Alpha Anywhere is a quality IDE for developing professional mobile and web applications in the business world. With the help of genies, builders, and property sheets, the application bears much of the programming burden. However, it is not a simple drag-and-drop environment, so novice programmers should beware. If you have moderate programming experience or are an expert looking to quickly develop an application, Alpha Anywhere is a solid choice.

Primary File Type

file  icon.A5WAlpha Five Webpage File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.A5WAlpha Five Webpage File
.A5RPTAlpha Five Project Report File
.A5WCMPAlpha Five Web Components File
.ADBAlpha Five Database File
.ADBLOCKAlpha Five Library Temporary File
.AEXAlpha Five Compiled Global Functions File
.ALBAlpha Five Library
.ALMAlpha Five Library
.ALXAlpha Five Library Index File
.ASIAlpha Five Variable File
.ASXAlpha Five Library Temporary Index File
.CDXAlpha Five Table Index File
.DDDAlpha Five Data Dictionary File
.DDMAlpha Five Data Dictionary Memo File
.DDXAlpha Five Data Dictionary Index File
.FPTAlpha Five Table Memo File
.MUFAlpha Five License File
.PROJECTPROPERTIESAlpha Five Project Properties File
.RMUFAlpha Five Runtime License File
.SECURITYSETTINGSAlpha Five Security Settings File
.SEMAlpha Five Set Data Dictionary Memo File
.SETAlpha Five Set Data Dictionary File
.SEXAlpha Five Set Data Dictionary Index File
.WCP_SETTINGSAlpha Five Settings File
.WEBPUBLISHHISTORYAlpha Five Web Publish History File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.DBFDatabase File
Updated 8/8/2014