.SPV File Extension
SPSS Output Document
Developer | IBM |
Popularity |
2.9 | 56 Votes |
What is an SPV file?
Data file generated by SPSS statistical analysis software; contains the output generated from data analytics functions run within SPSS; may store datasets, reports, charts, and other visualizations; can be viewed with SPSS versions 16 and later.
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NOTE: SPV files are generated by SPSS 16 and later and are not backwards compatible with earlier versions of SPSS. Previous versions of SPSS saved output files with an .SPO extension.
Programs that open SPV files
SPIR-V Module
Developer | Khronos Group |
Popularity |
3.8 | 4 Votes |
An SPV file may also be a SPIR-V module. It contains a shader used to give depth to 3D graphics. Graphics APIs like Vulkan, OpenCL, and OpenGL use SPV files to render 3D objects.
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Standard Portable Intermediate Representation V (SPIR-V) is a binary intermediate language for graphical shaders and compute kernels. Khronos Group released SPIR-V in 2015, replacing the original version of SPIR.
Developers using SPIR-V save shader modules as SPV files. For example, developers can use Khronos Group's Glslang tool to convert .HLSL shaders into SPV files. These files contain a list of capabilities, global interfaces, entry points, and functions that determine how the shader affects an object's appearance.
How to open an SPV file
You can use Khronos Group SPIR-V Tools (multiplatform) to parse, disassemble, validate, and optimize SPV files.