.CTF File Extension
WhereIsIt Catalog
Developer | Robert Galle |
Popularity |
2.9 | 17 Votes |
What is a CTF file?
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WhereIsIt was an application developed by Robert Galle. It allowed users to catalog and organize their physical and digital media, to make it easy to see what media they owned and where that media was stored.
For digital media, users could record the files' location. For example, if an MP3 file was stored on a removable drive, a user could note that information in their catalog.
How to open a CTF file
You can open a CTF file with WhereIsIt. However, WhereIsIt is discontinued. Thus, if you do not already have access to WhereIsIt, you likely will not be able to open your CTF file.
Programs that open CTF files
PSP Custom Theme File
Developer | N/A |
Popularity |
3.5 | 4 Votes |
A CTF file contains a custom theme used by Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP), a handheld gaming console. It stores custom theme settings and includes .BMP wallpaper and preview picture and .PNG icon that appear in the PSP interface. CTF files allow PSP users to create their own themes for their PSP devices.
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CTF files can only be applied to a PSP if the device has the custom .PRX CXMB plugin installed. If it does not have the plugin installed, the PSP will not be able to load the theme.
Programs that open or reference CTF files
AVG Update Control File
Developer | AVG Technologies |
Popularity |
2.2 | 6 Votes |
A CTF file may also be an update control file used by AVG AntiVirus and AVG Internet Security software. AVG software uses CTF files to identify, download, and install relevant updates. If a program's CTF file becomes corrupted (or otherwise invalid), you will not be able to update that program until you repair or replace the file.
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In most cases, AVG AntiVirus and Internet Security automatically use CTF files to retrieve and install program updates (e.g., new virus definitions) from AVG's servers. Users can also manually update AntiVirus and Internet Security, by selecting Check for updates in the programs' Settings menus.
If your program's CTF file is valid, updates will proceed without issue. If, for some reason, your CTF file is invalid, your program will show an error message that reads something like Update Failed - Invalid Update Control CTF File.
How to fix an invalid CTF file
If AVG AntiVirus or Internet Security tells you that your CTF file is invalid, AVG recommends repairing your installation. To do so, follow the instructions listed on this page of AVG's website.
Common CTF Filenames
avginfoavi.ctf - CTF file used by AVG AntiVirus.
avginfowin.ctf - CTF file used by AVG Internet Security.
How to open a CTF file
CTF files are not meant to be opened. AVG AntiVirus and Internet Security load and use CTF files during their update processes as needed.
Programs that open CTF files
Content Transformation File
Developer | ECMG |
Popularity |
1.8 | 6 Votes |
More Information
CTF files may be used to transform multiple files with different structures into a consolidated format. This makes it possible to bulk load or migrate many files at once.