File Extension

Eiffel Source Code File

Developer Bertrand Meyer
4.2  |  5 Votes

What is a é file?

An E file contains source code written in the Eiffel programming language. Eiffel is an object-oriented programming language (OOP) first released in 1986. Developers use compilers like those included in EiffelStudio, Liberty Eiffel, and Gobo Eiffel to compile E files into executable machine code.

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Screenshot of a .é file in Microsoft Visual Studio Code
é file open in Microsoft Visual Studio Code

Developer and Eiffel Software founder Bertrand Meyer created the Eiffel programming language. With Eiffel, Meyer set out to design a language that could be used to create reliable, reusable software modules. To that end, Eiffel is structured around design by contract, a concept in which a software system is defined as a set of components interacting through precisely-specified contracts.

Eiffel programs, written using Eiffel source code and saved in E files, consist of a collection of classes. Each class contains features, which are similar to the routines, attributes, or methods used by other object-oriented programming languages. Features can be used to execute one of Eiffel's five basic instructions:

  • Assignment
  • Object creation
  • Routine call
  • Condition
  • Iteration

How to open a é file

You can open and edit and E file in any text or source code editor, including Microsoft Visual Studio Code and GitHub Atom.

However, it is best to open and edit E files in EiffelStudio or another Eiffel-specific Integrated Development Environment (IDE). These programs include tools that make developing, compiling, and running Eiffel programs easier.

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Programs that open é files

E Source Code File

Developer Mark S. Miller et al.
3.5  |  2 Votes

An E file is a source code file written in the E programming language. It contains an E program. E files can be opened and edited in any text editor and run using E's rune interpreter.

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Screenshot of a .é file in Microsoft Visual Studio Code
é file open in Microsoft Visual Studio Code

In 1997, Mark S. Miller and several other developers created the E programming language. E is an object-oriented language that is similar to Java and Joule.

Developers primarily use E to write programs intended for use on distributed computing systems. E is a very security-minded programming language; for example, all communications in E programs are encrypted.

How to open a é file

You can open and edit an E file in any text or source code editor, such as Microsoft Visual Studio Code or GitHub Atom. You can run the program an E file contains using the rune interpreter, included in E (java -jar e.jar --rune YourFileName.e)

Programs that open é files

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