Pentaloop PlayerXtreme Media Player

Version5(as of 9/21/2015)
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Rating:3.7  |  27 Votes

Main Features

  • Play a variety of video formats such as MP4, WMV, and DIVX
  • Control subtitle font size and language
  • Increase movie volume up to 3 times the original sound
  • Secure your library with password protection
  • Transfer files over Wifi between two iOS devices through the app

Software Overview

Pentaloop PlayerXtreme Media Player is a media player for iOS devices. The app can be used to organize media files on your device and play movies and music.

The app specializes in video playback as it supports a wide variety of video formats including MP4, 3GP, FLV, DivX, MKV, AVI, WMV, and WebM. PlayerXtreme Media Player supports .SRT subtitles and allows you to control the font size and language of the subtitles. Some other features include library password protection and the ability to play movies at a volume up to 3 times the original for when you don't have headphones.

PlayerXtreme Media Player is a quality app for watching videos on your iOS device. It supports many video formats and gives you a variety of nifty features for video playback (some require purchase of the pro version). It leaves much to be desired in the music department but if you are just looking for an app to watch movies, Pentaloop PlayerXtreme Media Player is a good choice.

Primary File Type

mp4 icon.MP4MPEG-4 Video

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.MP4MPEG-4 Video
.3GP3GPP Multimedia File
.ASFAdvanced Systems Format File
.AVIAudio Video Interleave File
.DIVXDivX-Encoded Movie
.DVDigital Video File
.FLVFlash Video
.GXFGeneral CADD Pro Font File
.M2PMPEG-2 Program Stream File
.M2TSBlu-ray BDAV Video File
.M2VMPEG-2 Video
.M4ViTunes Video File
.MKVMatroska Video
.MOOVApple QuickTime Movie
.MOVApple QuickTime Movie
.MPEG1MPEG-1 Video File
.MPVMPEG-2 Elementary Stream Video
.MXFMaxis Font File
.OGMOgg Media File
.OGVOgg Video
.PSPostScript File
.QTApple QuickTime Movie
.RMRealMedia File
.RMVBRealMedia Variable Bit Rate File
.SRTSubRip Subtitle File
.TSVideo Transport Stream File
.VOBDVD Video Object File
.WEBMWebM Video
.WMWindows Media File
.WMVWindows Media Video
Updated 9/21/2015