
Version1(as of 11/3/2014)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux
LicenseOpen Source
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Rating:3.2  |  34 Votes

Main Features

  • Multiple filters for mesh cleaning, colorization, and remeshing
  • Customizable OpenGL Shader based rendering
  • Interactive mesh color and selection painting
  • Support for many 3D file formats

Software Overview

MeshLab is an open source 3D mesh processing application used by experts in 3D development. It is used for processing and editing unstructured 3D triangular meshes in 3D projects. MeshLab is free to use under the GNU General Public License as long as proper citation is made.

Designed to help with the processing of unstructured models created during 3D scanning, MeshLab provides many tools to clean up these meshes and convert them into usable 3D models. It has filters that allow you to remove null faces and other small unused components as well as automatically fill holes. Remeshing filters can take high quality edges and collapse them into simplified shapes while preserving the texture coordinates. This program also provides tools for interactive painting of mesh colors and selections as well as smoothing.

MeshLab is an advanced tool that is recommended for experienced users in the 3D development industry that are involved with 3D scanning. If you are looking for a 3D modeling program to create models from scratch, this is not the program for you. If you work with 3D scanning and find that you need a good tool for cleaning up your scans, MeshLab is a great program.

Primary File Type

ply icon.PLYPolygon Model

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.PLYPolygon Model
.3DS3D Studio Scene
.ASCAutodesk ASCII Export File
.OBJWavefront 3D Object File
.OFFObject File Format
.STLStereolithography File
.SVGScalable Vector Graphic
.TRITriangle Mesh File
.V3DVisual3D.NET Data File
.X3DXara3D Project

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.TRIFaceGen Polygonal Model File
Updated 11/3/2014