KDE Okular

Version.19(as of 12/11/2014)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux
LicenseOpen Source
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Rating:3.8  |  9 Votes

Main Features

  • Default PDF viewer for the KDE desktop environment
  • Support for PDF, Postscript, DjVu, ePub, XPS, and OPF formats
  • Capable of highlighting, commenting on PDF documents, and drawing lines and geometric shapes

Software Overview

KDE Okular is a universal document viewer based on KPDF, an open source viewer for .PDF files. You must have the K Desktop Environment (KDE) installed in order to use Okular, but you don't need the whole KDE desktop. It is available as a binary package for Windows and Linux but needs to be built from source code in OS X.

Ocular is the default PDF viewer for the KDE desktop and is included in distributions such as Kubuntu and Fedora's KDE spin. It is mainly used to view .PDF documents but the viewer also supports Postscript, DjVu, CHM, ePub, XPS, OPF, FictionBook, Mobipocket, and ComicBook formats. Some of the program's annotation features include the ability to highlight, comment on PDF documents, add textboxes, and draw lines and geometric shapes.

Okular is a popular and smart choice for Linux users looking for a PDF viewer. Its capabilities and format support help it compete directly with other viewers, such as Adobe Reader and Evince. However for Windows and OS X users, there are a lot more options available, which makes KDE Okular less attractive.

Primary File Type

pdf icon.PDFPortable Document Format File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.PDFPortable Document Format File
.DJVUDjVu Image
.DVIDevice Independent Format File
.EDRWXXPS Drawing Document
.EPSEncapsulated PostScript File
.FB2FictionBook 2.0 File
.NCXEPUB Navigation Control XML File
.OPFOpen Packaging Format File
.WWFWorld Wide Fund Non-Printable Document
.XPSXML Paper Specification File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.DJVDjVu Image
Updated 12/11/2014