Version3(as of 1/16/2015)
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Rating:2.5  |  15 Votes

Main Features

  • Jump into your designs with the WYSIWYG Sandbox level editor
  • Connect, learn, and collaborate with other developers through Crytek's helpful online community
  • Modify gameplay elements, including terrain, vegetation, characters, and vehicles

Software Overview

Crytek CryENGINE SDK is a software development kit (SDK) used to create and modify CryENGINE games. It is available for free for non-commercial use, otherwise, users can pay a monthly subscription fee to access all of CryENGINE's development tools.

The SDK enables you to modify any CryENGINE feature whether it be terrain, vegetation, vehicles, characters, or music. The kit provides an array of modding tools, including the Sandbox level editor, that can be used to create and edit wide-open terrain game levels. When editing a level, you can instantly insert yourself into the environment to view your creations from different perspectives.

Along with the software suite's various features, Crytek also fosters a healthy online community by providing official forums for CryENGINE developers to connect and collaborate with each other. This feature helps beginners ease into the SDK, as it can be intimidating for novice users.

The SDK is gaining in popularity and used to develop 3D games for PC and console systems. If you use the free version of the SDK, you can create projects, such as non-commercial games, school projects, and movies. While it is not as popular as the Epic Games Unreal Engine SDK, Crytek CryENGINE SDK still provides an impressive engine and array of tools for developing or modding games.

Primary File Type

chr icon.CHRCryENGINE Character File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.CHRCryENGINE Character File
.ANM3D Animation File
.CAFCryENGINE Character Animation File
.CALCryENGINE Character Animation List
.CBACryENGINE Resource Compiler Settings File
.CDFCryENGINE Character Definition File
.CGACrytek Geometry Animation File
.CGFCrytek Geometry Format File
.CHRPARAMSCryENGINE Character Parameters File
.DBACryENGINE Animation Database File
.FPJCryENGINE Facial Editor Project File
.FSQCryENGINE Facial Editor Sequence File
.IKCryENGINE IK Animation File
.JOYCryENGINE Facial Editor Joystick File
.SETUPCryENGINE Character Setup File
Updated 1/16/2015