Apple Books

Version1(as of 2/14/2019)
PlatformsMac, iOS
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Rating:1.3  |  165 Votes

Main Features

  • Supports EPUB, PDF, and IBA formats
  • Allows you to customize the font, text size, page layout, lighting, and more
  • Organizes e-books by title, author, category, and series
  • Lets you share quotes to Facebook and Twitter

Software Overview

Screenshot of Apple Books 1
Screenshot of Apple Books 1

Apple Books is an app bundled with macOS and iOS devices used to read e-books. It was formerly known as "iBooks" but renamed with the release of macOS Mojave and iOS 12.

The app supports the popular EPUB and PDF e-book formats as well as the proprietary IBA iBook format generated with the iBook Author utility. Books provides various reading features, which includes changing the font, text size, lighting conditions, page layout, and appearance of the pages. The app is also a helpful e-book organizer that allows you to view them by title, author, category, or series.

When you come across memorable quotes while you are reading you can easily share them to Twitter or Facebook or through Messages or email. You can sign in to Books with your Apple ID to retrieve past purchases from the Book store through iCloud and to sync bookmarks, highlights, and notes between your macOS and iOS devices.

Books is a useful app for macOS and iOS users partially because it comes bundled with Macs and iOS devices. It comes with support for PDF and EPUB formats and allows you to customize your reading experience. These features make Apple Books a simple but solid tool for organizing and reading e-books.

Primary File Type

epub icon.EPUBEPUB eBook

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.IBAiBooks Author Document
.IBOOKSMulti-Touch iBook
.PDFPortable Document Format File
Updated 2/14/2019