Altova XMLSpy

Version2017(as of 12/30/2016)
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Rating:3.5  |  22 Votes

Main Features

  • Supports Xpath, XSLT, and XQuery
  • Generates sample XML instances with all schema choices
  • Includes graphical XML Schema editing tools
  • Processes and validates code quickly with RaptorXML

Software Overview

Altova XMLSpy is an XML editor and IDE used to create XML-based applications for desktop and the web. It is a commercially licensed product that is only available for Windows.

There are many features that XMLSpy provides that make development simpler. It has a variety of different views such as a text and grid view for XML editing, an XML Schema view, and a WSDL view. The IDE also includes graphical editors for XML, XML Schema, and XBRL Taxonomy. XMLSpy has many other capabilities such as XML instance editing and documentation, XQuery development and debugging tools, validators, analysis tools, and royalty free code generation.

If you are looking for a powerful XML editing tool that can help manage complex projects, XMLSpy is a great option. However, the license for the program is fairly expensive for those on a tight budget. If you don't want to shell out a lot of money, there are many free XML editors that are recommended such as EditiX Lite or CAM XML Editor.

Primary File Type

file  icon.SPPAltova XMLSpy Project

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.SPPAltova XMLSpy Project
.DTDDocument Type Definition File
.JSONJavaScript Object Notation File
.RDFResource Description Framework File
.XQXQuery File
.XQLXML Query Language File
.XQMXQuery Module
.XQUERYXQuery Source Code File
.XSDXML Schema Definition
.XSLXML Stylesheet

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.XQYXQuery Source File
Updated 12/30/2016