.TREC File Extension

TechSmith Recording File

Developer TechSmith
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What is a TREC file?

A TREC file is a screen recording captured by TechSmith Camtasia, a screen recording and video editing program. It contains audio and video from a user's screen recording session and includes metadata, such as cursor effects and transitions. TREC files typically store content for tutorials and demonstrations.

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Screenshot of a .trec file in TechSmith Camtasia 2023
TREC file open in TechSmith Camtasia 2023

Camtasia is a Windows and macOS app that captures screen activity, can edit the video, then publish the video in several multimedia formats or to online platforms, such as YouTube. Videos you might create with Camtasia include webinars, software demonstrations, video conferences, how-to tutorials, and online gaming sessions.

The Windows and macOS versions of Camtasia save recordings in the TREC format, which makes sharing recordings across platforms convenient. In addition, Camtasia saves TREC files as part of .TSCPROJ (Windows version that replaced .CAMPROJ) and .CMPROJ (macOS version) screen-recording projects.

NOTE: TechSmith introduced the TREC format when it released version 8.4.0 of Camtasia Studio (Windows version) and version 2.8.0 of Camtasia for Mac. It replaced the .CAMREC and .CMREC extensions for camera recordings.

Common TREC Filenames

Rec M-D-YYYY.trec - TREC files are saved in this convention with the date and may be followed by a number indicating the number of TREC files were recorded that day. For example, the fifth TREC recording for March 17, 2023 would be named Rec 3-17-2023 5.trec.

How to open a TREC file

You can open TREC files with the Windows and macOS versions of TechSmith Camtasia. To open a TREC file, select File → Import → Media..., drag the file onto Camtasia, or double-click the file (only works if it is associated with Camtasia).

How to convert a TREC file

Camtasia can convert a TREC file to several file types, including the following formats:

  • .MP4 - MPEG-4 Video
  • .GIF - Graphical Interchange Format
  • .M4A - MPEG-4 Audio (Windows only)
  • .MOV - Apple QuickTime Movie (macOS only)
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Programs that open or reference TREC files


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