.TC File Extension
TrueCrypt Volume
Developer | TrueCrypt Foundation |
Popularity |
3.4 | 15 Votes |
What is a TC file?
A TC file is an encrypted volume created by TrueCrypt, a now-discontinued open-source disk encryption program. TC files function as virtual disks, securely storing files with real-time encryption (inaccessible without the correct password or key) and allowing users to access their contents when they mount them in TrueCrypt.
More Information
An anonymous group of developers named TrueCrypt Foundation developed TrueCrypt as a tool for securing sensitive data. The foundation released it in February 2004 but ended its development in 2014. VeraCrypt, a fork of TrueCrypt, replaced the tool and still supports the TC format. However, users often convert old TrueCrypt volumes to more actively maintained encryption formats for better security.
How to open a TC file
You can open TC files with VeraCrypt, which replaced TrueCrypt in 2014. To open a TC file, select Select File... → Open.
Programs that open TC files
Tellico Collection File
Developer | Robby Stephenson |
Popularity |
3.2 | 5 Votes |
Data file saved by Tellico, a Linux KDE program used to manage collections of information; may contain data such as titles, authors, cover images, genres, and publication years; can be used for tracking information about books, videos, music, video games, coins, trading cards, and wines.