.SWIFTPM File Extension
Swift Playgrounds App Project
Developer | Apple |
Popularity |
3.5 | 2 Votes |
What is an SWIFTPM file?
A SWIFTPM file is a Swift Playgrounds app project. It contains .SWIFT source code files and other project resources. Developers create SWIFTPM files using Apple Swift Playgrounds for iPad and Apple Xcode. If you have Swift Playgrounds or Xcode installed, SWIFTPM files appear as macOS packages. Otherwise, they appear as directories.
More Information
Swift Playgrounds is an iPad and Mac app that teaches novice developers how to code with Swift, a programming language used to create apps for Apple devices. In 2021, Apple added the ability to develop SwiftUI iPhone and iPad apps to the iPad version of Swift Playgrounds. App projects created using Swift Playgrounds are saved as SWIFTPM files. Apple Xcode users can also create and open Swift Playgrounds app projects.
Each SWIFTPM file contains Swift source code files and other application resources. Most of these files are stored in the package's App subdirectory.
NOTE: Swift Package Manager directories also use the SWIFTPM extension.
How to open an SWIFTPM file
You can open a SWIFTPM file in the iPad version of Apple Swift Playgrounds and in Apple Xcode.
Programs that open SWIFTPM files
Swift Package Manager Directory
Developer | Apple |
Popularity |
3.0 | 1 Vote |
A SWIFTPM directory contains a Swift code package's configuration files. The files a SWIFTPM directory contains are not meant to be edited. SWIFTPM directories are typically hidden from users.
More Information
Swift is a multi-purpose programming language created by Apple. Developers use Swift to create iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps.
While developing Swift apps, developers can create Swift packages, which are bundles of code that can be reused across multiple apps. For example, a developer might create a Swift package that includes a common user interface component, so they can easily import and include the component in similar apps. Each Swift package includes a SWIFTPM directory.
The SWIFTPM directory contains package configuration files, as well as configuration files for developer tools included in the package. Typically, developers should not need to access or edit the files a SWIFTPM directory contains.
How to open an SWIFTPM file
You can open a SWIFTPM directory and view the files it contains just as you would any other directory. However, you likely should not edit the files a SWIFTPM directory contains.