.RFC File Extension
Ravenfield Content File
Developer | SteelRaven7 |
Popularity |
4.5 | 42 Votes |
What is an RFC file?
An RFC file contains game content used by Ravenfield, a first person shooter game. It stores information about content that appears during gameplay, such as weapons or maps. RFC files include information about the appearance and behavior of the content.
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Typically, RFC files are only seen and modified by Ravenfield users looking to modify gameplay. If you have the Steam version of Ravenfield installed, you can click the Subscribe button on the mod page in "Steam Workshop" and the RFC files will be downloaded to the following directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\
If you want to use content stored in RFC files, you need to create a mods folder, move the RFC files from the content folder to the mods folder, and place the mods folder in the following directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ravenfield\ravenfield_Data\
To add content in RFC files to the non-Steam version of Ravenfield, create a weapons folder and place weapon-related RFC files in the folder, and place the weapons folder in the mods folder. Do this for other RFC files based on their type, such as a maps folder for map-related RFC files, in the following directory:
C:\Games\Ravenfield [version]\ravenfield_Data\mods\
Programs that open RFC files
RoboForm Contact File
Developer | Siber Systems |
Popularity |
1.7 | 10 Votes |
Contact file created by RoboForm, a program that allows users to securely store passwords and fill online forms; contains address book contacts, including names, phone numbers, email addresses, and other contact information.
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NOTE: RFC files are not used to fill online forms. They are only used as to store address book information.