.MWS File Extension

Maple Classic Worksheet

Developer Maplesoft
2.6  |  7 Votes
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What is an MWS file?

Worksheet created with Maple 8.x or earlier, a mathematics and modeling program; may include text, math equations, graphs, charts, and other data; saved in an interactive format that can be opened and edited with Maple.

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NOTE: Maple 9 and later saves worksheets in a new XML-based format with an .MW file extension.

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Programs that open MWS files

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MWave DSP Synth Instrument Extract

Developer N/A
1.0  |  2 Votes
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Text data file exported by an IBM MWave DSP synthesizer when saving a file in the MWS format; created by the MWSYNTH.INI file, which constructs instruments from .WAV files.

Programs that open MWS files

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