.LIC File Extension

2 file types use the .lic file extension.

Software License File

Developer N/A
3.5  |  240 Votes

What is a LIC file?

A LIC file is a license file commonly used with shareware programs, commercial applications, and networks. It contains registration information for various software applications as well as server configuration information for networks.

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LIC files are commonly distributed from the software vendor to the user after the user purchases the software product. Generally, the files must be installed or available locally for the registered program to run with a valid license. Consult the program-specific registration instructions to install the license properly.

Example programs/technologies that use LIC files include VMware, Citrix License Servers, AutoCAD, Alfresco, Aspose.Cells, Microsoft ActiveX, and Microsoft Visual Studio (sometimes included with software deployment builds).

LIC files are also used by Autodesk for configuring a network with the Network License Manager (NLM) program. In order to request and validate a network license file, you must collect license server information, request a license file, copy the license file to a server, and confirm the accuracy of the license file. When you receive the LIC file you must save it on your license server. You can rename the LIC file since it comes with a long name once downloaded but you cannot alter the ".lic" extension.

NOTE: The VMware license file (vmware.lic) for Windows is located in the C:\​Program Files\​VMware\​VMware License Server\​ directory.

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Programs that open or reference LIC files

Various programs that use licensing keys
Various programs that use licensing keys

Lic Project

Developer Remi Gange
4.0  |  3 Votes

A LIC file may also be a project file created by Lic, an unofficial LEGO instruction booklet creator. It contains plain text data Lic uses to load and show an in-progress instruction booklet. Booklets are comprised of pages, steps, images, and labels that show a builder how to put together a LEGO model.

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Screenshot of a .lic file in Lic
LIC file open in Lic

Lic is an online application that allows LEGO enthusiasts to create building instruction booklets for standard or custom LEGO models. To do so, a user must import one or more .LDR (LDraw Model) files into Lic. Lic then automatically generates an instruction booklet for those models.

Users can perform minor edits on in-progress instruction booklets, such as moving the images and labels that appear on each page and altering brick colors. If a user plans to continue editing a booklet in the future, they can save it locally as a LIC file. The LIC file is a plain text file that defines a booklet's included model, bricks, pages, labels, and other data.

After a user has finished editing the booklet their LIC file contains, they can Export the booklet as a single .PDF or a series of .PNG images.

How to open a LIC file

You can open a LIC file with Lic (Web). To do so, open Lic in your web browser and select File → Open Lic File.... Then, navigate to and open your LIC file.

Programs that open LIC files


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