.GSH File Extension

2 file types use the .gsh file extension.

Wii U Shader

Developer Nintendo
3.0  |  2 Votes
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What is a GSH file?

A GSH file is a shader included in a Wii U video game. It is used to produce in-game visual effects. GSH files are often paired with accompanying .GTX files.

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Shaders are programs that tell a game how to render pixels in different conditions, to produce lighting, shadow, and texture effects. Many Wii U games use shaders saved as GSH files. For example, Mario Kart 8 uses GSH shaders.

NOTE: GSH stands for GX2 SHader.

How to open a GSH file

GSH files are not meant to be opened by players.

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Programs that open GSH files

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Glacier Shell File

Developer GavinGoGaming
1.0  |  1 Vote
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A GSH file may also be a shell script containing commands that can be run within the GlacierOS (a web operating system) terminal. It is saved in the glacier-sh (GSH) format, which uses a similar syntax as a Bash Shell Script (.SH file). Users can create a GSH file with any text editor or the Syntaxpad in Glacier WebOS, write commands in the GSH syntax, and save it with a .gsh file extension.

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GlacierOS is an operating system that runs in a web browser with its primary purpose being for educational programming purposes. You can run GSH commands to perform various tasks within the WebOS, such as opening a utility or copying a file.

NOTE: To create a GSH file with Syntaxpad in GlacierOS, select "Glaciersh" from the dropdown menu, write the commands, and then click Save.

How to open a GSH file

You can open GSH files with the Terminal within the GlacierOS project in development or regular mode.

Since GSH files store plain text commands, you can open them with any text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad and Apple TextEdit.

Programs that open GSH files

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