.FDB File Extension
Portfolio Catalog
Developer | Extensis |
Popularity |
3.6 | 33 Votes |
What is an FDB file?
An FDB file is a database of images created by Extensis Portfolio, a digital asset management application. It contains a thumbnail image and metadata for each file stored in the catalog. Examples of metadata stored include file name, created and modified date, and keywords.
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Portfolio provides various features for organizing files, securely sharing assets, and automating tasks. Additionally, the app provides catalogs to organize assets, and the FDB file type stores information about the assets in the catalog.
How to open an FDB file
FDB files are not meant to be opened. Instead, Extensis Portfolio references the information in the FDB file to load thumbnail images and metadata for the assets upon startup.
Programs that open or reference FDB files
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Database File
Developer | Microsoft |
Popularity |
3.4 | 17 Votes |
More Information
Microsoft Dynamics NAV was previously called Microsoft Navision.
Programs that open FDB files
Art Explosion Catalog
Developer | Nova Development |
Popularity |
3.6 | 8 Votes |
Database of clip art images stored in an Art Explosion collection; contains metadata and a thumbnail image for each picture referenced in the catalog.
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Art Explosion is popular clip art collection distributed by Nova Development.
Programs that open or reference FDB files
Firebird Database File
Developer | Firebird Foundation |
Popularity |
3.7 | 3 Votes |
More Information
You will most likely only encounter FDB files if you are the database architect or developer and utilize Firebird as your database solution. You can create and open FDB database files with the Database Explorer tool in Firebird.
NOTE: Firebird is an open source fork from the Borland edition of the Interbase database. It was initially released in 2000 and has been continually developed.
Programs that open or reference FDB files
Legacy Family Tree Database
Developer | Legacy |
Popularity |
4.0 | 2 Votes |
An FDB file may also be a family tree database created by Legacy Family Tree. It contains information about a person's family tree, including a list of that person's ancestors and descendants. It may also contain birthdates, death dates, buried dates, and other information about each person included in the tree.
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Legacy Family Tree is an ancestry application that allows users to import or create a family tree. The user can then add additional information about each family member, including stories and other identifying characteristics.
Each family tree is saved as an FDB database file. Users can view the information an FDB file contains in many different formats, including family-, pedigree-, descendant-, chronology-, and index-based formats. Users can also transfer their family tree to Legacy Charting, for use as an .LWCX chart file.
How to open an FDB file
You can open an FDB file with Legacy Family Tree (Windows):
- Select File → Open File.
- Navigate to and open your FDB file.