.DRZ File Extension
Draz Paint Image
Developer | Devil of Noice |
Popularity |
4.0 | 4 Votes |
What is a DRZ file?
A DRZ file is a bitmap graphic created by Draz Paint, a simple image editor for the Commodore 64. It contains a 320 x 200 pixel image. Typically, DRZ files contain color images.
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Draz Paint is an image editor that was created by Devil (of the Noice and Fantastic 4 Cracking Group demo groups) and updated by Jer (of the Panic demo group). It allowed users to create, edit, and save simple color bitmap images.
Typically, Draz Paint saved the images that users created as DRZ files. Some Draz Paint images instead use the .drp extension.
NOTE: Various versions of Draz Paint are still available for download online. However, to use Draz Paint, you must run it on a Commodore 64 or in a Commodore 64 emulator.
How to open a DRZ file
While Draz Paint does not run on modern operating systems, you can still open a DRZ file with:
- XnViewMP
- Piotr Fusik RECOIL
- Tom's Editor
How to convert a DRZ file
Programs that open DRZ files
PyDrizzle Data File
Developer | Space Telescope Science Institute |
Popularity |
2.5 | 6 Votes |
Data file created by PyDrizzle or MultiDrizzle--programs used for processing ACS and WFPC2 Hubble Space Telescope (HST) space photograph data; stores a "drizzled" image, which uses reconstruction techniques to fill undersampled areas of the image; used for creating quick-look mosaic images of space data; used in scientific space research.
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DRZ files are based on the .FITS format and often are seen with the compound extension, ".drz.fits." However, the format is most often processed with custom imaging programs.
NOTE: ACS stands for Advanced Camera for Surveys. WFPC2 stands for Wide-Field Planetary Camera 2. Both ACS and WFPC2 are large cameras installed on the Hubble Space Telescope in different space servicing missions.