.DOWNLOADHOST File Extension

MSN Download Settings File

Developer Microsoft
3.9  |  51 Votes
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What is a DOWNLOADHOST file?

Stores file download settings for MSN software; included with the MSN installation and required for downloading files and checking e-mail; typically named "MSN#.downloadhost."

More Information

If the Downloadhost file becomes corrupt or is missing, the MSN software may display a "Downloadhost File" error. To recover the Downloadhost file, first select "Run..." from the Windows Start menu. Then type the following in the text box:

regsvr32 c:\progra~1\msn\msncorefiles\msnmetal.dll

This should restore the Downloadhost file and allow MSN to download files and e-mail messages again.

Also see the related .MAILHOST entry.

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Programs that open or reference DOWNLOADHOST files

Microsoft MSN software

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