.CAFFEMODEL File Extension
Caffe Model
Developer | Berkeley Vision and Learning Center |
Popularity |
4.1 | 8 Votes |
What is a CAFFEMODEL file?
A CAFFEMODEL file is a machine learning model created by Caffe. It contains an image classification or image segmentation model that has been trained using Caffe. CAFFEMODEL files are created from .PROTOTXT files.
More Information
Caffe (Convolutional Architecture for Fast Feature Embedding) is a deep learning framework that allows users to create image classification and image segmentation models. Initially, users create and save their models as plain text PROTOTXT files. After a user trains and refines their model using Caffe, the program saves the user's trained model as a CAFFEMODEL file.
CAFFEMODEL files are binary protocol buffer files. As such, you cannot open, examine, and edit them in a source code editor, as you would PROTOTXT files. CAFFEMODEL files are meant to be integrated into applications that can utilize trained image classification and image segmentation models, using Caffe.
How to open a CAFFEMODEL file
You can open a CAFFEMODEL file using Caffe (cross-platform), which allows you to manipulate and extract information from the file. You can also use various computational platforms, such as Scilab (cross-platform), to load CAFFEMODELS and use them as image classification and image segmentation models.