RARLAB RAR for Android

Version5(as of 3/10/2016)
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Rating:3.3  |  240 Votes

Main Features

  • Create and open RAR and ZIP files
  • Set options for archiving
  • Repair damaged files
  • Password protect files

Software Overview

RARLAB RAR is a compression program for Android devices. It provides archiving, extracting, managing, and file exploring capabilities.

RAR can be used to create .RAR and .ZIP files and opens RAR, ZIP, TAR, 7z, GZ, BZ2, XZ, ISO, and ARJ archives. The app also gives you a variety of archiving options such as the ability to set a password, delete files after archiving, create a solid archive, set a volume size, and pause after creating each volume. The app also enables you to repair damaged ZIP and RAR files.

RAR is utilized by Android users to primarily handle RAR and ZIP archives as it comes with useful archiving options and capabilities. RARLAB RAR is one of the best tools available for working with archives on an Android device.

Primary File Type

rar icon.RARWinRAR Compressed Archive

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.RARWinRAR Compressed Archive
.7Z7-Zip Compressed File
.ARJARJ Compressed File Archive
.BZ2Bzip2 Compressed File
.BZIP2Bzip2 Compressed Archive
.GZGnu Zipped Archive
.ISODisk Image File
.LZMALZMA Compressed File
.TARTape Archive
.XZXZ Compressed Archive
.ZIPZipped File
.ZIPXExtended Zip Archive
Updated 3/10/2016