pmG messiahStudio

Version6(as of 3/2/2018)
PlatformsWindows, Mac
Rating:2.5  |  15 Votes

Main Features

  • Supports a variety of animation file types, such as .OBJ and .3DS
  • Allows non-destructive modification of animated characters
  • Provides HDRI lighting and shadow mapping rendering capabilities

Software Overview

pmG messiahStudio is a professional 3D animation and rendering application. It is available for Windows and OS X but the software has been discontinued and is no longer maintained.

messiahStudio supports a variety of animation file types, such as .OBJ, .3DS, .LWO, and .BVH. The application provides an animation toolset that enables you to modify animated characters in a non-destructive manner and create muscle bones for characters with a single click. In regards to rendering capabilities, messiahStudio offers a nodal-based shader editor, HDRI lighting, volumetric lighting, shadow mapping, and global illumination.

messiahStudio is used by professional 3D animators to create animations for commercials, games, feature films, and print advertisements. It provides a strong toolset and an impressive rendering engine. pmG messiahStudio is a high quality 3D animation and rendering application that produces professional results.

Primary File Type

file  icon.MPJmessiahStudio Project File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.MPJmessiahStudio Project File
.3DS3D Studio Scene
.BVHBiovision Hierarchy Animation File
.FXMmessiahStudio Motion File
.FXSmessiahStudio Scene File
.LWOLightWave 3D Object
.LWSLightWave 3D Scene
.MDDPoint Oven Deformation Data File
.OBJWavefront 3D Object File
Updated 3/2/2018