National Instruments Multisim
Version | 14(as of 5/26/2017) |
Platform | Windows |
License | Commercial |
Category | Scientific |
Main Features
- Build advanced power supply circuits
- Access a database of thousands of components verified by leading semiconductor manufacturers
- Quickly access simulation results and run analyses
- Visualize simulation results with power, current, voltage, and digital probes
Software Overview
National Instruments (NI) Multisim is an electronic schematic capture and SPICE simulation environment. The software is available in two editions, one for educators and students and the other for researchers and professionals.
The education edition enables you to teach analog, digital, and power circuits concepts. It provides interactive components and simulation-driven instruments such as Multisim instruments, LabVIEW custom VIs, and NI-ELVISmx instruments. These instruments allow you to measure the behavior of circuits and examine simulation results.
The professional edition provides a wide variety of simulation and analysis tools that will help you save on development costs, optimize circuit performance, and reduce Printed Circuit Board (PCB) prototype iterations. The software features a database with thousands of SPICE models and PCB footprints that have been verified and tested by leading semiconductor manufacturers such as Infineon, NXP, Texas Instruments, and Analog Devices. Also, the software provides a library of advanced power components, such as power IGBTs and MOSFETs, that enable you to accurately evaluate power systems.
Multisim is used by educators, researchers, and engineers around the world. The software provides a variety of features that make it a powerful electronic schematic capture and SPICE environment. Also, the application comes with an annual membership to the NI Standard Service Program (SSP), which gives you regular software updates, support from NI applications engineers, and scheduled maintenance releases. Whether you are using the software in educational or professional environments, National Instruments Multisim is a high-quality tool.
Primary File Type

Supported File Types
Extension | File Type |
.MS14 | Multisim 14 Circuit Design File |
.MP10 | Multisim 10 Project File |
.MP11 | Multisim 11 Project File |
.MP12 | Multisim 12 Project |
.MP13 | Multisim 13 Project |
.MP14 | Multisim 14 Project |
.MP7 | Multisim 7 Project File |
.MP9 | Multisim 9 Project File |
.MPZIP | Multisim Pack File |
.MS10 | Multisim 10 Circuit Design File |
.MS11 | Multisim 11 Circuit Design File |
.MS12 | Multisim 12 Circuit Design File |
.MS13 | Multisim 13 Circuit Design File |
.MS7 | Multisim 7 Circuit Design File |
.MS8 | Multisim 8 Circuit Design File |
.MS9 | Multisim 9 Circuit Design File |
.MSM | Multisim Circuit Design File |
Additional Related File Types
Extension | File Type |
.EWB | Electronics Workbench Circuit Design File |