Geometer Plus FBReader

Version0.12(as of 10/9/2014)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android
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Rating:3.3  |  12 Votes

Main Features

  • Open popular ebook formats such as EPUB and MOBI
  • Purchase or download them through the application
  • Customize your reading experience by installing dictionaries, fonts, animations, and more

Software Overview

Geometer Plus FBReader is a free ebook reader. The application is available for Windows, OS X, Linux, Android and several other mobile platforms.

FBReader supports a variety of popular ebook formats, such as .EPUB, .MOBI, .HTML, .FB2, and plain text. You can purchase books or download them for free from popular network libraries. The reader is also highly extensible, you can add fonts, colors, dictionaries, bookmarks, page turning animations, and more.

FBReader is a decent option for reading your ebooks. Although it doesn't have many bells and whistles, it can be extended through plugins to give extra functionality. Geometer Plus FBReader will get the job done, but other readers, such as Calibre, will provide a more enjoyable reading experience.

Primary File Type

oebzip icon.OEBZIPZipped Open eBook File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.OEBZIPZipped Open eBook File
.FB2FictionBook 2.0 File
.MOBIMobipocket eBook
.OEBOpen eBook File
.OPFOpen Packaging Format File
.PRCMobipocket eBook File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.NCXEPUB Navigation Control XML File
Updated 10/9/2014