
Version1(as of 4/18/2016)
LicenseOpen Source
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Rating:3.6  |  5 Votes

Main Features

  • Opens Cal3D files
  • Provides a simple interface
  • View 3D characters from different views

Software Overview

Cal3DViewer is an open source application used to load and visualize Cal3D files. Cal3D is a 3D character animation library written in C++ that was originally developed as a 3D client for Worldforge but eventually became a separate program.

The program allows you to open Cal3D files, which includes CFG, CMF, XRF, XMF, CRF, CAF, XSF, CSF, and XAF. The application features a simple interface with a toolbar of basic controls. You can view your 3D characters in solid mode, with textured lines, white lines, white points with bone, white points, and from different angles. The application also enables you to view more information about the model and play the animation.

Cal3DViewer is a lightweight application that provides a straightforward experience for viewing Cal3D files. It doesn't come with a ton of capabilities but does what it promises, which is view Cal3D files.

Primary File Type

file  icon.CFGCal3D Model Configuration File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.CFGCal3D Model Configuration File
.CAFCal3D Binary Animation File
.CMFCal3D Binary Mesh File
.CRFCal3D Binary Materials File
.CSFCal3D Binary Skeleton File
.XAFCal3D XML Animation File
.XMFCal3D XML Mesh File
.XRFCal3D XML Materials File
.XSFCal3D XML Skeleton File
Updated 4/18/2016