Bare Bones TextWrangler
Version | 4(as of 7/28/2020) |
Platform | Mac |
License | Freeware |
Category | Programming |
Main Features
- Syntax coloring and function navigation for C++, PHP, XML, JavaScript, and other programming languages
- Single and multi-file search and replace
- Multi-byte and Unicode editing
- Split editing windows
Software Overview
Bare Bones TextWrangler is a free text editor primarily used to edit source code. It is now discontinued and has been replaced by BBEdit, which is also developed by Bare Bones.
TextWrangler provides many of the basic text editing features, such as spell check and find and replace functionality, but also features useful programming capabilities. The text editor offers syntax highlighting and function navigation for a variety of program languages, including HTML, PHP, JavaScript, XML, Perl, Python, C++, and Ruby. The program also provides "Codeless Language Modules" for producing your own TextWrangler language modules and can function as an integrated external editor with Xcode.
While TextWrangler can be used for simply composing and editing plain-text files, it is geared towards users who need to read and write code, such as programmers and web designers. The text editor provides a variety of helpful features, a clean interface, and convenient integration with the macOS platform. However, since TextWrangler is now discontinued, you should try Bare Bones BBEdit instead.
Primary File Type

Supported File Types
Extension | File Type |
.TXT | Plain Text File |
.ANS | ANSI Text File |
.BBLM | BBEdit Language Module |
.C | C/C++ Source Code File |
.FTN | Fortran Source Code File |
.HTML | Hypertext Markup Language File |
.INC | Include File |
.JSON | JavaScript Object Notation File |
.PHP | PHP Source Code File |
.PM | Perl Module |
.RB | Ruby Source Code |
.TEXTFACTORY | BBEdit Text Factory |
.UTF8 | Unicode UTF8-Encoded Text Document |
Additional Related File Types
Extension | File Type |
.CONF | Generic Configuration File |
.DIZ | Description in Zip File |
.GALAXY | Blizzard Galaxy File |
.INFO | Generic Information File |
.LST | Data List |
.MARKDOWN | Markdown Documentation File |
.SC2LOCALE | Blizzard StarCraft 2 Localization File |