.WRPL File Extension

Widelands Saved Game File

Developer The Widelands Development Team
4.0  |  22 Votes

What is a WRPL file?

Saved game created by Widelands, an open source strategy game; contains all player moves since the initial starting condition, which is stored in a separate .WGF file (also seen with the .WRPL.WGF extension); used to save and load in-game progress.

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War Thunder Replay

Developer Gaijin Entertainment
2.9  |  8 Votes

A WRPL file may also be a game replay file created by War Thunder, a vehicular military combat game. It contains information that War Thunder uses to reconstruct and show a replay of a match a player played. WRPL files can be played only in War Thunder.

More Information

Gaijin Entertainment War Thunder is a free-to-play, primarily multiplayer game in which players pilot various military vehicles and attempt to defeat each other in battle. It is available for many platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

After a War Thunder match ends, players can save a replay of that match. If they do, War Thunder stores information about that match in a WRPL file.

WRPL files are not video files; they do not contain video that you can (for example) play in a media player. Instead, they contain information that War Thunder uses to reconstruct the match and display the replay. Therefore, if you want to save a War Thunder replay as an .MP4 file, you must play the replay in War Thunder and record it with a screen recorder.

By default, the PC versions of War Thunder save WRPL files in the following directory:

~/​War Thunder/​Replays

How to open a WRPL file

You can open a WRPL file in Gaijin Entertainment War Thunder, from the game's Replays menu. To do so, place your WRPL file in the ~/​War Thunder/​Replays directory. Then, use the Replays menu to play the replay your WRPL file describes.

If you cannot open a WRPL file in War Thunder, it's likely because the WRPL file was produced by a different version of the game. Each version of War Thunder can play only replays created by that specific version, and not earlier or later versions.

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