.TRF File Extension
TorrentRover File
Developer | TorrentRover |
Popularity |
3.1 | 13 Votes |
What is a TRF file?
A TRF file is a data file created by TorrentRover, a program used to search and download torrents from trusted sites. It contains one or more searches conducted in TorrentRover. TRF files include the site, time it was accessed, category, and status.
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When you search for a torrent in TorrentRover, the application automatically saves the search and the results. The TRF is created by TorrentRover to store the searches and the results, which allows you to access them at a later time and share them with other TorrentRover users. Searches and the results are automatically saved by TorrentRover.
To create a TRF file, select File → New TorrentRover file. TorrentRover automatically saves the TRF file but you can also select File → Save TorrentRover file. To open a TRF file, select File → Open TorrentRover file.
Programs that open TRF files
Smaart Transfer Function File
Developer | Rational Acoustics |
Popularity |
3.0 | 6 Votes |
A TRF file may also be a data file created by Rational Acoustics Smaart, a program used by audio technicians and engineers to measure and analyze the acoustics of an environment. It contains a static "snapshot" of transfer function measurements, which consist of a measurement signal (the output from a device) and an input signal used for reference. TRF files were introduced with version 8 of Smaart and replaced REF files used by earlier versions of Smaart.
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Transfer function measurements allow users to analyze the output of input devices, such as microphones, guitars, and keyboards. The measurements are displayed as a graph in real-time. These graphs can be captured by selecting Capture or Capture All in the Data bar in the "Transfer" view. Captured transfer function measurements are saved in the TRF file.
By default, TRF files are placed in the following directory:
Documents\Smaart v8\Traces\Transfer Function\Session Data
You can move them from this location. However, the transfer function measurements stored in the TRF files that are moved will no longer be displayed in Smaart.
To import a TRF or older REF file, select File → Import → Trace Data File....
Rational Acoustics Smaart enables audio technicians to analyze sound systems and diagnose problems. It is used in a variety of venues, such as stadiums, concert halls, and churches. The name of the program is an acronym, which stands for System Measurement Acoustic Analysis Real-time Tool (SMAART).