.BRUH File Extension
Developer | face-hh |
Popularity |
4.4 | 19 Votes |
What is a BRUH file?
A BRUH file is a raster image saved in the Blazingly Rapid Uncompressed Harebrained Image File Format (BRUHIFF). BRUH files are created by converting .PNG files, using Bruh.
More Information
How to open a BRUH file
You can open a BRUH file with Bruh (Windows). For instructions on how to do so, refer to Bruh's documentation. You can also open BRUH files by uploading them to the bruh-server website.
How to convert a BRUH file
You can convert BRUH files to .PNG images with Bruh in Windows, bruh-python (a cross-platform Python-based converter), and bruh-server (an online converter).