.CPK File Extension

CRI Middleware Package

Developer CRI Middleware
4.2  |  236 Votes

What is a CPK file?

Game package file used by games created with the CRI Middleware packaging software; can store graphics, audio, and other game data; used as a container for game files.

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CRI Middleware technology is used to package data for various game console systems, including those from Microsoft, Nintendo, Sega, and Sony.

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Programs that open or reference CPK files

CRI Packed File Maker

DTM Test Log File

Developer Microsoft
4.2  |  146 Votes

Log file generated by Driver Test Manager (DTM), a component of Microsoft's Windows Logo Kit (WLK) device certification software; contains a testing report, which logs information about a hardware device; used for submitting test results to Microsoft so that a device may be certified for Windows; also used for debugging failed tests.

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CPK files can be viewed with the DTM Log Viewer. The viewer shows information such as the test date, the test operating system, and passed and failed tests.

The WLK software is made available by the Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL), a Microsoft group that certifies Windows hardware devices.

Programs that open or reference CPK files


Developer Sega Games
4.0  |  4 Votes

A CPK file may also be a video used in a Sega CD-ROM video game. It contains a movie played within the game. CPK files are one of many types of files saved in the Sega FILM file format.

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Screenshot of a .cpk file in VLC media player
CPK file open in VLC media player

The Sega CD and Sega Saturn video game consoles both played games stored on CD-ROMs. These games used video files saved using Sega's proprietary FILM video format. FILM files were saved with a variety of extensions, including .FILM_CPK, .cpk, .film, and .CAK.

CPK files were used in Myst, World Series Baseball II, and Mansion of Hidden Souls, among other Sega Saturn games.

How to open a CPK file

Because CPK files are so uncommon, most popular media players cannot play them. However, you can play CPK files in VLC media player, and you can convert CAK files to a more usable video format using FFmpeg.

Programs that open CPK files

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