.CSB File Extension
CRIWARE Sound Bank
Developer | CRI Middleware |
Popularity |
4.0 | 6 Votes |
What is a CSB file?
A CSB file is a sound bank used by a video game developed using CRIWARE middleware. It typically contains background music played in a game. Street Fighter IV, Sonic Unleashed, and Sonic Adventure 2 are examples of games that use CSB files.
More Information
CRI Middleware, also known as CRIWARE, is a company that provides audio and movie middleware tools to video game developers. Using CRI-ADX, developers can create and integrate various types of audio, including CSB files, into their video games.
CSB files are archives that usually contain two .ADX or .ACB audio files. The first ADX or ACB file contains a song's unique, introductory measures, and the second ADX or ACB file contains the portion of the song that loops while a player remains in a menu or stage.
Street Fighter IV and Sonic game modders are most likely to encounter CSB files, while attempting to edit a game's background music. For example, players using the Windows version of Street Fighter IV can find that game's CSB files in its SFIV/bgm directory.
Common CSB Filenames
BGM_MAIN.csb - Contains music that plays over Street Fighter IV's main menu.
BGM_SELECT.csb - Contains music that plays over Street Fighter IV's character select screen.
BGM_TFP.csb - Contains music that plays during the Street Fighter IV's end credits.
How to open a CSB file
You can open CSB files and play the music they contain with Goshanes' Street Fighter IV Audio Manager (Windows). If you want to edit a CSB file's contents, you can do so using Sonic Audio Tools (Windows).
How to convert a CSB file
You can use Street Fighter IV Audio Manager to convert the audio files that a CSB file contains into .WAV files. You can then play the converted files as you would any WAV file.