
Version2018(as of 12/17/2018)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, iOS
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Rating:1.6  |  31 Votes

Main Features

  • Effective test creation tools
  • Secure delivery of exams
  • Accurate and instant scoring
  • Real-time analysis

Software Overview

ExamSoft is an online assessment-management application. It allows you to create exams, deliver them, score them, and analyze the results.

ExamSoft is designed to give you control over the entire testing process. Much of your experience will take place in ExamSoft's cloud-based portal. Here is where you create your exams, upload the results and score and analyze them. The program provides exam creation tools to help you achieve your learning objectives and collaborate with other teachers and professors. Once you create an exam, students can download it along with ExamSoft's SofTest application, which allows you to take the exam. The program runs on Windows, OS X, and iPad devices allowing you to implement tests through a lab computer, a student's laptop, or a printed Scantron forms.

In order to begin the exam, students must type in a code of your choosing, which means you control when they can begin. When taking the exam, SofTest can disable Internet access in order to prevent cheating. After the test time expires, the exam is locked, Internet access is allowed again and the test is automatically uploaded to the cloud-based portal. EasySoft aggregates exam results, objective-based questions are scored instantly, and student and faculty reports are created in real-time.

ExamSoft is mainly used in the K-12, undergrad, nursing, medical, pharmacy, law, and dental fields of study. It provides effective exam creation tools, secure implementation of exams, real-time analytics. If you work in a field where test creation and taking are an important aspect, give EasySoft a hard look as it may help you save time on tests and focus more on students and curriculum.

Primary File Type

file  icon.XMZXSofTest Exam File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.XMZXSofTest Exam File
.XMDXSofTest Answer File
.XMWXSofTest Working Exam File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.XMDExamSoft Answer File
Updated 12/17/2018