Adobe Edge Animate

VersionCC(as of 12/4/2015)
PlatformsWindows, Mac
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Rating:1.8  |  32 Votes

Main Features

  • Responsive scaling enables animations to fit within mobile and desktop screens
  • Timeline editor for creating precise animations
  • Web font selector for adding rich typography
  • CSS filters, such as blurs and drop shadows
  • Helpful resources, such as manuals, videos, and templates, for novice users

Software Overview

Adobe Edge Animate is a web development tool used to create interactive HTML animations. It is used primarily for developing rich media for multiple devices. Adobe discontinued Edge Animate in November 2015.

The application provides a variety of features for designing and developing animations with full JavaScript and HTML capabilities. The timeline editor is available for creating precise animations. CSS filters can be used for effects such as drop shadows and blurs, and the web font selector lets you add rich typography. You can also add audio to your composition with animation playback and user interactions.

Adobe provides helpful resources through the Edge Animate application and online. Some of the provided resources include manuals, tutorial videos, and the Edge Animate Showcase, which allows you to download reusable templates of websites created with Edge Animate.


Edge Animate is used by motion graphic artists, designers, and developers to create animations using web standards such as HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3. The software features an array of powerful design tools and resources to get novice users up and running. While Edge Animate is an easy-to-use application that helps web designers and developers create interactive and responsive animations, Adobe no longer develops the software.

Primary File Type

an icon.ANAdobe Edge Animate Project File

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.ANAdobe Edge Animate Project File
.ANSYMAdobe Edge Animate Library File
.ANTMPLAdobe Edge Animate Template File
.EDGEAdobe Edge Project File
.EGLIBAdobe Edge Animate Library File
.HTMLHypertext Markup Language File
.JSJavaScript File
.OAMAdobe Edge Animate Widget File
Updated 12/4/2015