.WEBLOC File Extension

macOS Website Location

Developer Apple
3.3  |  107 Votes

What is a WEBLOC file?

A WEBLOC file is a website shortcut created by a macOS web browser, such as Apple Safari or Google Chrome. It contains a URL that a user can open in their web browser by double-clicking the file. Users create WEBLOC files by dragging a URL from their web browser to their desktop.

More Information

Screenshot of a .webloc file in Apple Safari
WEBLOC file open in Apple Safari

In macOS, you can quickly create shortcuts to specific webpages by:

  1. Highlighting a URL in your browser's address bar.
  2. Clicking and dragging that URL to your desktop (or another folder).

Doing so creates a WEBLOC file that is named for the webpage to which it points.

You can create and open WEBLOC files with any macOS web browser, including Safari, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox. When you double-click a WEBLOC file, the webpage the file points to opens in your default web browser. For example, if Google Chrome is your default browser, the page will open in Google Chrome.

The Windows version of Safari, which was discontinued in 2012, does not support WEBLOC files. However, you can open WEBLOC files in Windows with WeblocOpener. If you copy a WEBLOC file to a Windows computer, Windows may show two files: [filename].webloc and [filename]._webloc.

How to open a WEBLOC file

WEBLOC file open in Apple TextEdit
WEBLOC file open in Apple TextEdit

To open the webpage a WEBLOC file points to in macOS, double-click the file. Doing so will open the webpage in your default web browser.

In Windows and Linux, you can use WeblocOpener to open WEBLOC files in your web browser.

You can also open WEBLOC files in Apple TextEdit (Mac), Microsoft Notepad (Windows), or any other text editor, to view the URL (and other data) the file contains.

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Programs that open WEBLOC files

Included with OS
Included with OS
Included with OS
Category: Web Files
Updated: December 28, 2022

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