.SDC File Extension

Secure Download Cabinet

Developer Microsoft
3.5  |  29 Votes

What is an SDC file?

Compressed and encrypted archive used for installing MSDNAA (Microsoft Developer Network Academic Alliance) software; often distributed through ELMS (the E-academy License Management System), a system for distributing software packages to academic institutions.

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NOTE: Secure Download Cabinet files should open automatically with UnpackSDC (unpacksdc.exe) when downloaded. This will extract and install the contents and will delete the SDC file when completed. Therefore, if the SDC file is still on your hard disk after the product has downloaded, you may need to delete the SDC file and try the process again.

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Programs that open or reference SDC files

Microsoft UnpackSDC

Apache OpenOffice Calc Spreadsheet

Developer Apache Software Foundation
3.4  |  14 Votes

Spreadsheet created with the Calc spreadsheet program included with Apache OpenOffice and StarOffice; includes flexible cell formatting options, such as freely rotating contents, backgrounds, borders, and templates.

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SDC files can be exported in the Microsoft Excel (.XLS) or Portable Document (.PDF) formats from within Calc.

NOTE: Apache OpenOffice was formerly known as OpenOffice.org.

Programs that open SDC files

Stardock Central Download Archive

Developer Stardock
3.6  |  9 Votes

Archive of files downloaded with Stardock Central, an enhanced download manager for Stardock software programs; contains installers that have been previously downloaded.

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Stardock SDC files are created as backup files and are saved in the Program Files\Stardock\Stardock Central\BACKUP directory by default. They can be used to reinstall program updates or to move previous installations to another system.

Programs that open SDC files


Paragon Dictionary Database File

Developer Paragon Software
3.0  |  5 Votes

An SDC file may also be a database file used by dictionary applications developed by Paragon Software, most popularly Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. It contains dictionary-related content, such as words, definitions, and word pronunciation audio. SDC files are typically large, more than 400MB in size.

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SDC files are stored on the SD card of an Android device. For example, the SDC file for the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary can be found in the following location:


Programs that open SDC files

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